

  • Build HoloToolkit, ready to import into your project

Why HoloToolkit?

The latest Unity releases have in-built support for Holographic development and UWP publishing. It doesn't hold your hands with working in a holographic world - there are a few concepts and setup that are unique to mixed reality - for example, camera setup, device capabilities and depth buffers.

Fortunately, Microsoft have developed HoloToolkit - a Unity package that contains a tonne of useful things to get going quickly:

  • Easy-to-apply project, camera and scene settings
  • Scripts to manage user input, spatial mapping, sound etc.
  • Prefabs common Holographic things - like cursors and input
  • Helpers for things like finding planes and voice detection

Downloading HoloToolkit

Download the latest release (Built for Unity 5.5.2f1) from their github repository.

At the time of writing this was HoloToolkit-Unity for Unity 5.5.2f1+, v1.5.6 at commit 54d55bd.

Building HoloToolkit

If you want to be bleeding edge, you can build it yourself like so. Use at your own risk.

1. Clone the repo

Open your git client of choice and clone https://github.com/Microsoft/HoloToolkit-Unity.

2. Open the project in Unity

  1. Open Unity
  2. Click "Open Project"
  3. Choose the HoloToolkit folder

3. Package the project

  1. In the menu, select Assets -> Export Package
  2. Ensure everything is selected and press Export All..
  3. Choose a folder and give it a good name (may I suggest HoloToolkit?)

This will create a package file HoloToolkit.unitypackage that can be imported into a Unity project.

You can now close the HoloToolkit project.

Next: Creating the scene

Prev: Unity Overview

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